Feel the Magic

How we got Feel the Magic’s 1 in 20 Challenge entries up by +120%

Performance Marketing / Creative
The results
Down 51% YOY
Cost Per Lead (CPL)
Up 130% YOY
Number of sign-ups (from Paid Ads)
Our client
Their challenge
Our solution
Our services

When a child loses a parent or sibling, life can become a lonely and sad place. That’s where Feel the Magic steps in. They help grieving kids and teenagers navigate the healing process.

Their 1-in-20 Challenge – where Aussies are encouraged to run or walk 120kms during October – helps them raise the majority of their funds for the year.

It’s a great cause, and one we were keen to apply our Creative Performance approach to helping.

Quote from the client:

“The Windsorborn team were absolutely amazing to work with. They helped our campaign go from the ground up. As a charity partner, they were exceptional.”

Best performing creative

From the 16 assets we developed for the campaign, applying three different angles, this asset was the standout.

Having a testimonial of one of the campers provided important social proof that helped to convey the positive impact of Feel The Magic.

The asset didn’t start like this, however. Originally it had a little more text across it. But once we established that the creative assets with less text resonated more, we removed the CTA – leaving the Meta Ad Headline as the sole CTA – giving Arabella’s quote a little more focus and attention.

Overall, statics outperformed video assets across the campaign, with an average cost per registration of $85 (vs. $134).

What we tested

We tested three angles for this campaign:

“Do It Your Way”
Encouraging people to do the 120kms however they wanted
Ambassador /Testimonial Quotes
Sharing the impact of Feel The Magic in their own words
“Good Excuse for a Walk”
Encouraging people to raise their heart rate and funds!

The best-performing angle was the Ambassador/Testimonial Quotes. However,  the “Do it Your Way” assets shown below performed well too, particularly in the “last chance” section of the campaign in the last week.

To maximise the efficiency of the campaign budget, after testing the “Good Excuse for a Walk”  angle was switched off to focus efforts on the remaining two.

Creative tests variants

This campaign gave us the following key takeaways:

Optimising for signups performed much better on one channel than the multi-channel approach from the previous year.
Social engagers were the best audience, allowing Feel The Magic to improve scale and cost for years to come.
We recommended future use of lookalike audiences for efficient spend.
The best creatives had movement in the opening frames and spoke to the challenge in a clear and simple way.