J Farren-Price

How sensible SEO built ROI through luxury products

Ecommerce / Luxury Products
Performance Marketing
Our client
Their challenge
Our solution
Our services

J Farren-Price is a renowned luxury watch and jewellery retailer based in Sydney, Australia. Established in 1942, it is one of Australia’s oldest and most respected luxury watch dealers, offering a curated selection of prestigious Swiss watches and fine jewellery.

The store is known for its exceptional customer service and exclusive collection of high-end brands such as Patek Philippe, Rolex, and Cartier. J Farren-Price has built a reputation for quality, expertise, and a commitment to excellence in the luxury retail sector.

The results
Organic Sessions
Organic New Users
Organic Enquiry Form Submissions
Organic Add to Carts
Organic Purchase Value
SEO Return on Investment

Technical SEO

Throughout 2023 and 2024, we regularly conducted crawls of the site to identify any technical, content or accessibility issues. Gradually, we worked through hundreds of issues, warnings and opportunities, with a particular focus on their brand collection pages.

On-Page SEO/Content Marketing

We worked with the team at J Farren-Price to produce more than 20 content marketing articles that addressed various keyword opportunities that were identified through ongoing keyword research. These articles also aligned with seasonalities that were experienced in-store and the broader J Farren-Price marketing calendar.

Link Building

We created an array of content articles that included backlinks to the J Farren-Price website. We distributed these articles to owners of a number of related sites, where their domain authority was greater than 40 and the received a healthy volume of legitimate traffic.

On top of achieving Position 1 rankings for some of the target keywords we set out, including “luxury watches”, “rolex sydney” and “watches in sydney”, we grew the site’s ranking volume by 83%, as highlighted in the graph below.

The impact

In the first 5 months of 2024, the organic search results for the site resulted in 28,000 new users coming to the site, with 127 users enquiring mostly about high-value products that are only available in-store.
In addition, 107 users added products to their cart of which more than $33,000 worth of product purchases were made.
As Performance Marketers, we pride ourselves on having a tangible and strong impact based on the investment that the business has made in our services. We are delighted to share that the ROI for J Farren-Price in the first 5 months of 2024 was 2.77.
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