How we helped Teachers Mutual Bank improve its grades.

Performance Marketing / Creative / Brand
The results
Increase in brand searches
Increase in leads YoY
Decrease in cost per lead
Our client
Our services

Teachers Mutual Bank Limited is one of the largest customer owned banks in Australia, with over 220,000 Members and $10 billion in assets.

TMBL’s focus is education, emergency services and healthcare through five divisions: Teachers Mutual Bank, Firefighters Mutual Bank, Health Professionals Bank, UniBank and Hiver – their digital only bank.

BVOD Brand

The problem

Teachers Mutual Bank had not produced any brand work for several years. Instead, investing in acquisition and customer marketing. The result was that the brand had become lost in the noise.

To resolve this, we were given the task of developing a campaign that would help the brand reconnect with teachers by reminding them just how valuable they are to the world, and what we were doing as a bank to support them.

The solution

We developed an integrated campaign that launched with a short film that acknowledged the incredible work teachers do.

The campaign was then supported with additional films and strong social collateral that outlined exactly where and how Teachers Mutual Bank was being supportive of teachers; by offering uniquely discounted home loan rates and tools to help with financial wellness.

BVOD Home Loans

BVOD Financial Confidence